UVeye has revolutionized the field of vehicle inspection with the development of an Artificial Intelligence scanner capable of detecting mechanical failures in seconds. This innovative system allows for a thorough and rapid review of vehicles, identifying defects that would normally require extensive time and meticulous inspections.

The process is simple: the customer drives their vehicle through an arch-shaped scanner that photographs the car from various angles. The images are processed by AI software that detects defects in the body and visible mechanical components, generating a detailed report on the vehicle's condition. This report enables mechanics to immediately address the detected faults, speeding up repair and maintenance.


Benefits for Mechanics and Customers

UVeye officials assure that this technology not only improves accuracy in fault detection but also provides more work for mechanics and support teams by uncovering problems that might go unnoticed. "The scanner detects many unforeseen faults and may increase maintenance costs. However, it's always better to detect problems early to address them before they cause more severe or even irreversible issues," they explain.

Emmanuel Epino, manager of Findlay Cadillac, one of over 300 dealerships already using this technology, compares it to an MRI for cars. "It’s quite precise and detects faults that even technicians might miss," he states.

UVeye’s advanced technology not only optimizes inspection time but also ensures greater reliability in vehicle diagnostics, providing added value to both dealerships and customers. Currently, the company offers various devices with names like Apollo and Atlas, among others. Each one specializes in scanning different parts of the vehicle and can even record and analyze engine sounds for faults.