Half of the healthcare organizations consider that the main motivation for starting to use artificial intelligence (AI) or doing so intensively is its "efficiency and optimization" of internal processes, according to the 'Ascendant' report by Minsait (Indra). Additionally, the study indicates that 41% of the interviewed companies mentioned the improvement of "knowledge and relationship with the patient" as one of the primary reasons for adopting artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, 76% of the organizations that have already implemented AI have enhanced medical care and diagnosis. An example of this is the automated detection of pneumothorax and pleural effusions. Moreover, 58% of the healthcare entities that already use this technology have improved resource management and hospital operations, such as predicting stock shortages of medications, scheduling staff shifts, and managing hospital beds.

Use and Potential of AI in the Healthcare Sector

The document prepared by Minsait highlights the use of artificial intelligence for patient data management and analysis (58%), customer knowledge (40%), and cybersecurity through tools provided by vendors (33%). The report's authors emphasize that AI can analyze, draw conclusions, and identify patterns in most use cases in the sector. Additionally, 40% of the organizations that participated in the report have third-party solutions that enable content creation through generative artificial intelligence.

The study also reveals that in 60% of the organizations, top management clearly and firmly supports the use of AI due to the advantages it can bring to the business and patient experience. Antonio Martos, Minsait's global director of Healthcare, stresses that currently, sector organizations are focused on using AI to improve business operations, diagnosis, and disease prevention, as well as enhancing patient experience and providing personalized care. In this line, 40% of the interviewed companies have already created medical workgroups to explore the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector.