For legal professionals, the emergence of artificial intelligence in this field represents a turning point. The anticipated impact of this technology on the legal sector is significant. And at the heart of this shift are the critical skills that modern lawyers need to acquire to take full advantage of AI.


Understanding AI and prompting.

A critical skill in the toolbox of the lawyer of the future is understanding how AI tools work and mastering the art of prompting. That is, mastering the different techniques for knowing how to ask AI tools exactly what you need.

AI technologies, particularly generative AI, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in drafting legal documents, conducting legal research and even formulating legal strategies. But to get the most out of them, legal professionals will need to master the different types of prompting and their use cases.


Creativity and emotional intelligence

As much as artificial intelligence is capable of automating many tasks and fulfilling complex orders, it is, after all, only a tool. Therefore, the lawyer of the future must know how to use the information provided by these tools creatively to solve their clients' problems and win their trials.


Curiosity and adaptation

The modern lawyer needs a great capacity of adaptation to keep up with the constant changes in the sector. Every day hundreds of new tools come out that break with the traditional concepts of work and research. 

Therefore, lawyers have to be extremely curious and constantly look for new developments in the market and new types of prompting that are discovered. To this end, it is very beneficial for the lawyer to be interested in the technology sector and to know how to research the latest innovations.


Navigating the future with AI capabilities

Integrating AI into lawyering is not a question of "if," but "when." Acquiring AI competencies is paramount for lawyers who want to successfully navigate the future of lawyering. From understanding AI and alerts to mastering service design, visualization, coding and project management, these skills are redefining what it means to be a lawyer in the digital age.

As lawyers acquire these skills, they are not only improving their practices, but also propelling the legal industry into a more efficient, client-centric future. This evolution promises not only to transform legal services, but also to open up a new horizon of possibilities for justice and the accessibility of law.


Picture: Hunters Race