Recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have opened up new opportunities to improve efficiency in various areas, including legal aid. As AI tools continue to evolve, ensuring accessibility and benefits for all users, regardless of gender, is critical to promoting an equal professional environment.

The gender gap has been a known problem for years. In 2020, the European Union published a report in its "Gender Equality Strategy" 2020-2025, which examined women's lower confidence and greater concerns about digital technologies, including robots.

A study by Berkeley Law School, in which 202 lawyers participated, sheds light on how generative AI tools are being adopted and used in the industry. The study shows that the gender gap in the use of AI tools decreases significantly as these tools become more established.


The gender gap

At the beginning of the study, men were significantly more likely to use generative AI tools than women. However, the data collected at the end of the test phase shows no significant differences between men and women in terms of tool use and perception of their value. This result suggests that the initial barriers for women can be overcome if they are familiarized with the initiatives and given broader access to them.

One notable aspect of the study is the role of "mentoring services'," which include use cases, office hours and one-to-one support. Participants who took advantage of these additional services reported better outcomes, highlighting the importance of support systems for the effective adoption and use of innovative technologies. This support is a critical factor in creating a level playing field.

The results of the study suggest that inequalities in technology adoption, such as those observed between genders, can be mitigated if equal access and support are provided. This has wider implications for policy formulation and organizational support structures that could foster an inclusive environment in which all members of the legal profession can benefit equally from technological advances.

The study highlights something that is of paramount importance to generative AI: the potential of technology as an equalizing force within the profession.