The European Cancer Imaging Infrastructure platform (EUCAIM), which will launch on July 1st, promises to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of personalized cancer care. With the capability to share more than 60 million oncology images and 300,000 clinical cases, this initiative is expected to mark a "disruptive leap" thanks to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and data sharing.

EUCAIM Director Luis Martí Bonmatí, Technical Director Ignacio Blanqué, and Mayor María José Catalá presented the platform at an event at La Harinera de València, which will serve as the central node's headquarters. Martí Bonmatí explained that EUCAIM is more than a simple data exchange; it is a "search engine, bank, and analysis platform" for oncology images and annotations, all anonymized and controlled to ensure ethical and safe use of the information.


Impact and Benefits for Patients and Doctors

Every year, 3 million new cancer patients are diagnosed in Europe, and 1.8 million die. In this context, EUCAIM aims to transform how clinical decisions are made, improving the precision and speed of diagnoses and treatments. With a budget of 35 million euros, the platform will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, data, and technology among more than 180 institutions, companies, and hospitals across Europe.

AI will enable the detection of changes in micro-tissues before visible tumors develop, providing more precise and early diagnoses. This will allow for more effective treatment initiation, administering medications only to patients who respond well, thereby improving survival rates and quality of life for patients.


A Hopeful Future

María José Catalá expressed her satisfaction with the development of this strategy in València, describing it as "the Silicon Valley of medical imaging." She emphasized that this infrastructure represents a complete turnaround in cancer research, noting that there is no other facility of its kind in the world. València also hosts the European Digital Infrastructure Consortia for Digital Twins and Citiverse, reaffirming its position as a leader in technological innovation.

The platform eucaim-nueva-plataforma-lucha-cancer, allowing the European scientific and innovative community to access this valuable tool. With over 60 million images and 300,000 clinical cases, EUCAIM promises to be a fundamental pillar in the fight against cancer, improving clinical practice and accelerating the research and development of new treatments.