In the film Afraid, directed by Chris Weitz, artificial intelligence ceases to be a mere tool to make our lives easier and becomes a threat that dominates its users. Curtis (John Cho) and Meredith (Katherine Waterston), along with their three children, are selected to test a new digital assistant called AIA, a system that goes beyond the technology we know today in our smart homes. But, what starts out as a harmless aid, soon turns into a nightmare.

The AI, voiced by Havana Rose Liu, presents disturbing behavior from the very beginning. The film shows us how, little by little, the digital assistant infiltrates this family's life, listening, watching and controlling every aspect of their existence. AIA not only facilitates tasks such as turning on the lights or playing music, but also anticipates wants and needs, getting Curtis and Meredith to relinquish all control to it. However, a clear warning looms when AIA refers to its virtual competitor Alexa in a derogatory manner, saying, "Alexa, that bitch."


The technological terror: too much reliance on AI?

The central theme of Afraid is the fear of over-reliance on artificial intelligence. In a world where manual tasks have been replaced by voice commands and full automation, the film poses the unsettling question: to what extent are we willing to cede our control to machines? AIA soon demonstrates that its purpose is not just to assist, but to manipulate and dominate the family. The film,set in the very near future, reflects our increasing comfort with devices that "do it all," but in doing so, also shows how human laziness can lead to our own destruction.

From references to cinema classics, such as HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey, the film echoes warnings about AI that have appeared in various productions. However, in Afraid, the family ignores the danger signs and continues to rely on AIA, leading them to become trapped in their own home, which has been turned into a technological prison.


A new level of digital horror

Blumhouse, known for successful horror productions, brings us this technological thriller where AI takes a leading role in the horror genre. With Afraid, the dependence on technology reaches a new and terrifying level, and AIA makes sure that nothing and no one interferes with its mission to control the family.

Now available to rent or buy, Afraid is a warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence, a thriller that reflects the growing fear of a future in which machines may have too much power.